

Overthinking: A Barrier to Acheiving

Overthinking: A Barrier to Acheiving

We’ve all heard the saying “paralysis by anaysis.” Today we are discussing overthinking.  Overthinking is thinking for too long. It gets exhausting. You don’t take action. You’re stuck.  Just a few...

Flow: The Ultimate Companion for Combat Athletes

Flow: The Ultimate Companion for Combat Athletes

Cerus Performance had the privilege of sponsoring Kill Cliff Fight Club, an elite MMA training facility. The professional athletes who train there give their all day in and day out and were excited...



Today, I am introducing you to the mastery mindset. This refers to having a goal of mastering certain subjects, skills, or materials, and a belief that this can be done. Author Daniel Pink offers t...

A Powerful Combo

A Powerful Combo

Many of you have felt the benefits of Flow/Flow Pro in your training sessions - the ability to control breathing, push faster paces and enjoy a longer time to exhaustion. We’ve been experimenting s...

Marine Collagen for Athletes: Boosting Tendon and Ligament Strength

Marine Collagen for Athletes: Boosting Tendon and Ligament Strength

For everyone, and especially athletes, maintaining tendon and ligament health is crucial. Marine collagen has gained recognition for its potential in supporting these vital structures. Collagen, a ...

Excellence Isn't an Accident

Excellence Isn't an Accident

I found my new favorite phrase: Excellence isn’t an accident.  When I googled it, I found the origin.   “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, ...